As we have repeatedly shared on our blog, it is possible to consume legal cannabis in so many ways, and that of consuming it for food purposes is certainly one of the most delicious.
In this in-depth study we will try to understand why so many people would never give up the pleasure of enjoying a cannabis tea, and we will guide you step by step in discovering how to prepare cannabis tea.
Therefore, carve out a few minutes of time, get yourself one of the best products you can find in our shop for this purpose, and … enjoy your tasting!
It’s relaxing properties
Many people believe that the benefits of cannabis tea are, generically, those you might find in any legal cannabis consumption.
In fact, that is not the case at all! There are in fact some specific benefits that are peculiar to hemp tea, and which in this in-depth discussion we want to address in full, before guiding you to making your first legal cannabis tea.
Enjoy your relax through Legal Cannabis Tea
The first benefit we want to share with you is the obvious emergence of a feeling of relaxation. So if you already regard herbal infusions as relaxing in themselves, the same is even more true for Cannabis tea, a satisfying, relaxing and mildly tranquilizing beverage. The drink can also be drunk hot or at room temperature, with sugar or with milk.
Post-lunch digestion
If you are looking for a good aid for better digestion after a hearty meal, sipping a cup of marijuana tea can certainly be your new and indispensable pleasure. As a matter of fact, marijuana tea ensures better functioning of the gastrointestinal system, and it may be a good support in all cases when you feel you have overindulged at the table.
Oral Wellness
Another non-negligible benefit derived from the use of marijuana teas is the one related to the pleasant well-being you will feel in your throat. In fact, contrary to what might happen when smoking or vaporizing legal cannabis, with a good marijuana herbal tea you will be able to enjoy all the typical soothing powers of this substance, especially if you consume it hot.
How to make Legal Cannabis tea
So far, some of the main benefits you can achieve by resorting to marijuana tea or marijuana herbal tea. But how do you prepare for it? What are the steps you might want to take in order to get the best results from this delicious beverage?
Although the procedures for making it are not as easy as those that will lead you to the making of any bagged tea, actually making legal cannabis tea is not particularly complicated, and you will only be required to take a little bit of care in order to get really appreciable results.
Given that there are several methods that could lead to similar results, we wanted to elaborate on the most well-known one below
Making legal cannabis tea with the cannabutter method
Let’s start with the method that many of our customers tell us they find extremely easy, such as the cannabutter method.
All you will need to be able to brew cannabis tea with this process is:
- 1 gram of ground legal cannabis;
- 1 tea bag (you can use the traditional one or the one with other flavorings, if you want to go in search of your favorite mix);
- A little cannabis butter (the equivalent of a little less than a tablespoon;
- a small saucepan with water;
- a strainer like the ones you can use for teas;
- of sweetening events, such as sugar or honey (depending on how sweet or bitter you want the result to be!).
Once you have procured all the ingredients, the first thing you need to do is decarboxylate the legal cannabis. Simply put the ground cannabis in the oven, at 115 degrees for at least 45 minutes.
Next, boil water in a small saucepan to be placed on the stove, and add butter to the water, stirring so that the substance melts completely. Then add the ground, decarboxylated cannabis to the mixture, and lower the temperature of the flame, thus letting it simmer for at least 15 minutes.
Finally, all that is left for you to do is to take a mug, put on the strainer and pour in the amount of legal cannabis tea you wish to enjoy. Then add a tea bag and, if you prefer, insert sugar or honey to make the drink even sweeter.
What parts of Cannabis should you use for brewing the tea?
But what parts of Cannabis do you need to use in order to make this delicious tea?
Let’s say right away that even though we specifically mentioned inflorescences (flowers),but, you can actually use any kind of part of the plant for making your drink.
For example, in addition to the buds, you could choose to use the leaves. In fact, dried and decarboxylated leaves can be a great way to be able to make a softer tea than you might get by resorting to the buds, but this is certainly not, necessarily, a malus. The scarcity of cannabinoids and terpenes that are present in the leaves will in fact make for a lighter tea, which you might like if this is the first time you are approaching this kind of brewing.
Some people then even prefer to use the sprigs. Although it is certainly not the first resource that jumps to mind when considering creating a legal cannabis herbal tea, it is actually certainly not a part of the plant you should underestimate, considering that there are many cannabinoids you will be able to obtain from them.
However, it is good to make one thing clear: compared to the inflorescences and leaves, the amount of twigs you will have to use in order to get an appreciable result will be considerably higher!
If you then want to have even greater ease in making these recipes, we can only recommend that you prepare a ready-made tea, perhaps choosing the best products that you can locate in our shop.
Of course, this occasion is certainly useful for us to be able to remind you that our customer service is always at your complete disposal to guide you in selecting the products that could best meet your needs. Please contact us so that we can find out more: we will be happy to answer any questions you may have!