There are over 150,000 AA meetings every week across the globe. If you’re searching for an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting near you, there are several ways that you can discover where the nearest one is located. Meeting locations will vary from place to place and may change from time to time; however, several places are commonly used when seeking out an AA meeting.
Keep reading to learn more about finding an AA meeting near you!
Find Aa Meetings Near You
The first step towards finding AA meetings near you is to locate an online directory of AA meetings. There are many directories available, so you may want to narrow your search by looking for a directory that is specific to your area. A directory can be a helpful tool for anyone who doesn’t know where to begin their search for an AA meeting.
Contacting Your Local Alcoholics Anonymous Service Office
If you are unable to find a listing of AA meetings online, you can contact your local Alcoholics Anonymous service office. The service office can provide you with information about AA meetings that are offered in your area.
You can also request the name and phone number of the person who leads the meetings in your region. Many service offices will have a meeting directory available for you to reference.
Search For Aa Meetings Online
Some people may find that reaching out to an AA service office is not the best option for them. For example, you may be concerned about the confidentiality of your phone call if you call the service office. Or, you may be concerned about the cost of making an international phone call.
In these cases, you can search for AA meetings online to find a list of meetings in your area. While there are many ways to find AA meetings online, you may want to lean on the expertise of your computer.
Check Out The Calendar In Your Local Newspaper
If you are uncertain about where the nearest AA meeting is located and you don’t have access to the internet, you may want to check out the calendar in your local newspaper. Most newspapers will publish a calendar of events and meetings each week. You can search for the newspaper that is published in your area and check out the calendar that is featured at the back of the paper.
Finding An Aa Meeting Through A Program Of Recovery Or Counseling Center
If you are attending a program recovery or counseling center, you may be able to ask about aa meetings near me. Some recovery centers will have a list of AA meetings in the area that you can reference. Some will even have the contact information for the leader of each meeting.
If your recovery program offers a list of AA meetings, they will be listed by location. Some recovery programs will have a list of AA meetings that are open to people in recovery.
Finding an AA meeting near you isn’t always easy, but it’s possible. The best way to find an AA meeting is to try several different methods. You may want to try searching for AA meetings online, reaching out to your local service office, and even speaking with others in recovery who are in your area.
No matter what method you choose, make sure you’re prepared for how the meeting will work before attending your first AA meeting.